Licensed Healthcare Practitioners
Practitioners may open a wholesale account for the concentrated immune modulating components (DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X) by completing this form. Wholesale Pricing and Guidelines will be forwarded upon completion.
DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X is Not a drug. DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X is a natural food material yielding no side effects or reactions with medications. There are No Contraindications of any type. DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X may be taken anytime, with or without food, medications, or supplements.
Each capsule of DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X contains 500mg of concentrated immune modulating components.
DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X is a concentrated extract of long-chain immune modulating components from a cultured 20th generation Aloe botanical (No genetic manipulation) which has been bred to produce modulating components in high quality and quantity. DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X contains long-chain immune modulators ranging from 1 million Dalton to over 10 million Dalton.
An immune modulator is a natural, plant-derived microscopic structure designed by nature for the support and restoration of the immune systems in mammals. For the last 70 years, through procedures designed for profits, the food industry has unintentionally yet progressively depleted the immune modulating components from the food supply. This depletion is directly correlated to the rise of autoimmune conditions.
A “Dalton” is a unit of molecular weight dictating chain length of the microscopic structure. The scientific community has defined structures of One Million Dalton and higher as “Immune Modulators” or “Healing Orchestrator's.” DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X contains long-chain immune modulators ranging from 1 million Dalton to over 10 million Dalton.
Note: This product IS NOT “Aloe Vera” as most understand Aloe. Under any independent size-exclusion laboratory analysis, All processed Aloe vera products prove to be short-chain molecular material (Processed Aloe juices, gels, and powders.)
DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X is 100% pure and 100% natural, with no negative side effects. It is completely non-toxic. DigestaQure® Autoimmune-X contains No yeast, No corn, No wheat, No Gluten, No soy, No dairy, No fillers, No preservatives, No animal products, No Latex, No Aloin, and is suitable for vegetarians. The capsule is a certified kosher vegetable based "veggie cap." (No Gelatin)
A proprietary blend of Immune Modulating Components consisting of:
Stabilized long-chain polymannan and polysaccharide molecules
stabilized mannose molecules
stabilized glucomannans
stabilized glucopolymannans
stabilized medium and short chain polysaccharides
stabilized mucopolysaccharides
stabilized glycoproteins
stabilized glycolipids
Also contains trace amounts of natural plant minerals.
Pristine Nutraceuticals, LLC.,
Boca Raton, Florida
Mailing address:
2805 E. Oakland Park Blvd., #419
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33306
Phone: 1-888-671-2873
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, EST
Saturday & Sunday: Closed (Online orders only)
Our On-line Order Form is available 24/7
Correspondence by email:
1-888-671-2873 (Toll Free in the US)
Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm, EST
Messages may be left after hours.
Click to contact us by message
All components of this website are the copyrighted property of Pristine Nutraceuticals, LLC. All statements and materials on this site are the opinions and/or conclusions of the authors, and may not always concur with the opinions and conclusions of others who may or may not be regarded as experts in any field or on any subject matter. Individual conditions, and subsequently, individual results may vary widely in regard to time-frames and overall experience. Please note: We are fully aware of the effectiveness of our product, and we purposely make no claims about our product. Nothing here is to be misconstrued as medical diagnosis for diseases, conditions, treatments, claims, or recommendations for specific diseases. We do not give medical advice. Consult your licensed health care provider for advice and treatment. This is an all-natural product. Due to the fact that The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve or disapprove natural products, they require all natural product companies to post the following disclosure: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We provide a five-day-per-week support system, providing research facts, information, and feedback from our customers personal experiences and those of our own. We do not provide medical advice. Consult your licensed health care provider for medical advice and assistance.